

あり方を見つめる時間を作りました。「Diversity in Life」をキーワードに、文化や価値観の違い、日々の生活の中での他者との関係性などから発想を得て制作に取り組み、日常の持つ力が大きな変化を生むことを

Although we are said to be living in an “era of diversity,” are there indeed more opportunities for us to feel and experience this in our everyday lives? Are we able to hear and listen to various voices and opinions?
At Joshibi University of Art and Design, the numbers of international students have continued to grow every year, and conversations in various different languages can be heard when walking throughout the campus. Amidst such circumstances, we have initiated a program this year that encourages Japanese students and international students to communicate with one another and create new works of art through collaboration. Students of Painting Major, BFA Students and students of Printmaking Major, MFA Students participating in this program have been divided into seven separate groups, and on this occasion will exhibit the results of their creative endeavors.
In times when sympathy and imagination for the lives of others appear to have been lost, we have facilitated an opportunity for students to contemplate concepts of diversity and individuality by engaging in a creative and collaborative dialogue with others. With “Diversity in Life” as a key theme, students have produced works through drawing inspiration from differences in culture and values, as well as relationships with others in their daily lives. While one group has produced work based on ideas of how the power of the everyday has the potential to bring about significant change, another group focuses on using letters as a tool for communication in the context of our present day that has globally embraced the development of high-speed media and social networking services. The fruits of such collaborations are presented in various locations throughout Art Laboratory Hashimoto. The exhibition also features records of the production process that serve to reflect the dialogue between the students.
Next year marks the 30 th anniversary of Joshibi University of Art and Design’s Sagamihara Campus. We are also beginning to observe new developments through art, as we continue to come together with neighboring art colleges and universities to work with Art Laboratory Hashimoto in Sagamihara. We hope that this exhibition in Art Laboratory Hashimoto will serve as a base for developing further opportunities for multicultural exchange in this area and community.

会期 11月23日(土、祝)、24日(日)、30日(土)、12月1日(日)、7日(土)、8日(日)”
会館時間 10:00-17:00
観覧料 無料
会場 アートラボはしもと 252-0146 神奈川県相模原市緑区大山1-43
主催 女子美術大学
共催 アートラボはしもと
後援 “アートラボはしもと事業推進協議会

1_石川 葵 ISHIKAWA Aoi / 江 サン KOU San / 胡 曹穎 KO Souei / 浜田 優花 HAMADA Yuka
2_入戸野 珠音 IRITONO Tamane / 蔡 穎 SAI Ei / 深澤 美星 FUKASAWA Miho
3_稲垣 のどか INAGAKI Nodoka / 周 苑昀 SHU Enin
4_松邑 希 MATSUMURA Nozomi / 利 施雨 RI Shiyu / 和田 麻友子 WADA Mayuko
5_太田 真帆 OTA Shiho / 高 セイロ KOU Seiro / 近藤 ひかり KONDO Hikari
6_遠藤 もも ENDO Momo / 榛村 伎璃 SHIMMURA Kiri / 陳 南西 TIN Nanshi
7_張 碩 CHOU Seki / 鳴輪 紗也加 NARUWA Sayaka

13:00- 公開制作「3分でわかるプロセスの絵」
14:00- 学生による作品プレゼンテーション
15:30- みんなでディスカッション「アートにおける多文化交流の未来」
17:00 オープニングレセプション

14:00-16:00 ワークショップ「卵のからでモザイクアートをつくろう」

*全て申し込み不要/参加費 無料

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